Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blogging and Career Options

I have certainly enjoyed this past week of blogging activity.  I wanted to post something a little more in line with the course requirements and discuss blogging, in general.  I am huge advocate of encouraging mathematics students to begin early in their academic pursuits to begin preparing themselves for a multitude of career options.  Blogging offers an opportunity for students to engage  in self-expression and learn more from their peers to help with decision-making processes.  Although, I teach on a post-secondary level, most of my students are recent high school graduates.  Therefore, I have an opportunity to shape them, as I would my secondary students.  For the next two weeks, I have tasked my students with researching blog sites, selecting at least two sites, relevant to their career options and mathematics, and providing feedback based on their experiences.  Many will become regular bloggers, some will have a hard time connecting, and a few may just be bored by the assignment.  However, the purpose is to jumpstart the process of looking at career options.  College is a lot different for our current students than it was when I initially matriculated.  The market is a lot less forgiving. As we progress more towards a global market, blogging will give students an opportunity to establish a network, connect, share free throughts, etc.

I will keep you posted on the assignment.


  1. Keesha
    What a great idea - having your students finding and researching blogs that focus on the future career choices. I never even would have thought of looking to see 'blog sites' that focus directly on a career path I hope to follow. I too will be curious as to what your students find and how they perceive them - helpful or just a conversation port. I also would like to know of some sites that they found and were 'good' as I am a mentor to 12 female high school seniors and would like to introduce this idea to them.

  2. I like the idea, too. Would it be appropriate to ask your students to actually post on the blogs and provide you with the url of their posts? (That might be a good assignment in this course, too!)
